NovaStar-Final Boss Core Features Complete
Day 30–12/3/20
I spent the day, and night, polishing up the movement and getting started on some of the attacks for the boss. This was a fun challenge, and I had to constantly remind myself to get back on course as my mind would start wandering about other features I could implement. But one thing at a time, otherwise I won’t get anywhere.
I started the day off by creating my first projectile attack. At the moment it is just two spheres zig-zagging through the air. My initial design for this attack was to have the two spheres chained together with some sort of lightning or effect as they twirl through the air. After getting the two spheres animated and triggered through the script, I decided to stick to MVP (minimum viable product) and hold off on the lightning effect until later.
The second ability I worked on today was the bomb drop from above. Originally, I had intended for this to be a massive beam the boss shoots down as it passes back after the charge animation. But having done this in my 2D Space Shooter, I wanted to create a different effect. I believe this is the only ability I created strictly through script. The way these bombs work is if a certain phase within the fight is activated, the boss will trigger the ability. And the ability has a fire rate coded in as well as a random instantiation position. I created 3 different points the bomb could drop from the boss as well as a random cd time between 1.5 and 3 seconds.
The final ability I worked on was a big charged beam that fires from the front of the boss. This one, I had a ton of fun working on through the animator and also had my fair share of problems with the instantiation (cough cough loop). The beam is on a random cd between 5 and 10 seconds and only activates during phase 1. I made it so that the player can visually see when it is charging up, and if they are paying attention they can see a slight visual queue when it is about to discharge.