It’s Like Mario, but with Cubes and Spheres

Dylan Murayama
3 min readDec 1, 2020


Day 27–11/30/20

As awesome as the cinema course was, I can certainly say, I am glad to be back on the coding side of things. Both aspects are very interesting but for me, I prefer the coding side, as you can get really creative with how you make things happen. During the cinema course, I found myself wanting to get it done with, whereas the 2D shooter I didn’t want to move on from it, and although I am only halfway through the 2.5D Platformer, I already find my mind wandering down similar paths as the 2D shooter. Each challenge spurs my imagination, and before I know it I’m thinking of 3 new features that would be awesome to add.

This course is going by extremely fast, so far the fastest of the 3 courses. I am almost done with the puzzles section and would like to finish most of the remaining sections tomorrow, but with the official start of our group project, we shall see what kind of time I will have for this 2.5D game.

Tomorrow sadly marks the beginning of the end of the program for me, as us non-Oahu residents only have until the 15th of December. Regardless, I do not plan to stop there and am really excited to continue learning and hopefully sharpen my skill set enough to become employable in the field.

Sadness aside, I am really looking forward to working on our team project, as this should give a lot more insight into what real-world working scenarios are like. After seeing all the unique aspects of each person’s 2D Space shooter, I can’t wait to see what we can create together.

Anyway, back to my 2.5D Platformer. This game is really bringing me back to my side-scrolling Mario days. So far everything has been pretty straightforward, as most of the techniques by now are things I have done numerous times throughout the first two projects.

The one thing that I have not used before, is the Character Controller. This is a new way to control player movement, and rather than assigning things like gravity in the inspector, you can now script it in yourself.

Looking ahead at some of the challenges, it seems like I will be getting into some unchartered territory. I am always looking forward to learning new techniques I can add to my programming arsenal.

One exciting/extremely nerve-wracking thing I did today, was a hard reset to a previous version using GitHub. This was the first time I ever had to do this and figured it could only go one of two ways, I succeed, or I erase my whole project. Anyway, the reason I ran into this in the first place, was because I had missed the step where we were supposed to create a new program when downloading the filebase puzzle pack. I ended up downloading the puzzle pack into my original program and all the scripts and assets downloaded completely broke my program to the point where it would have probably been faster to recode it all from the ground up.

To reset back to a previous commit. You can bring up a history of your commits with “git log” you can then find the commit address you want to reset to, and do a force reset to get you back to that point in time. You can do this with this code, “git reset --hard 3abe432dos379clp” the random letters and numbers being the commit address from your log. You can then force push to the repo to set the remote repo to the same point. “git push --force origin main” And now you should be all set.



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