Hopefully Not the Beginning of the End
Day 28–12/1/20
It is absolutely mind-boggling that only about 6 weeks or so, I started on my journey to become a developer. Zero experience coding, zero idea of what I was doing, yet here I am! Definitely, would not have been anywhere near this far without the aid of the awesome team leads and Jon at GameDevHQ, and of course, can’t forget the awesome teammates I have here as well. Never in a million years would I have thought in this short time span, I would have completed almost 3 games, and on top of that be a part of this top-notch team of developers.
Today marked the first official day of our team project, and so far it has been an awesome experience. Looking back at today, it seemed like an endless amount of meetings, but they were not for nothing. A lot of brainstorming to get our project started on the right path happened today. Over the next two weeks our team will be working hard to create a new game that we will hopefully have fully polished, marketed, and available for the public to play and see. Based on what I’ve seen all of us do so far on our own, really makes me excited to see what we can do as a team. Even though this is “our” game, there is no way we would be here without our leads guiding us along this journey.
Anyway, today was a busy day! We started the day by deciding on our project, then throughout the day we started to break down our challenge into smaller more manageable problems. From here, it made it easy to assign tasks to each member and to set a reasonable time frame for these initial tasks. If all goes accordingly, we should have a decent portion of the game completed by end of the day tomorrow. Hopefully, none of my teammates actually read this and see that I probably jinxed our progress before the day even started.
The last portion of our day was spent working together to get our repository set up. This is a very important step as it allows us to version control our program throughout the process. If done properly, we are able to safely work on the game without having to worry about breaking the entire program. The whole use of git is very intimidating and I can’t say it got any less intimidating, but today definitely made me realize I have a long way to go when it comes to learning the in’s and out’s of github. And as an industry staple, I definitely would like to become much more familiar with it.
Starting tomorrow, we are going to be getting into the programming side of things. Our team’s main tasks for tomorrow are to create the player, enemies, weapons, and mid-tier and final bosses. Our goal is to get the base foundation of each of these laid out, and then once we get on top of things, we can really go back and enhance these features.
That is all for today, tomorrow we should have a lot more to show visually, as today was mostly game planning and setting the direction for our project.