Day 9–10/30/20
Today, I started the day by working on the phase1 — framework for the space shooter program. I managed to get through 4 of the challenges. Early on in the day, I ran into a problem with my shield challenge not working. I had the code set and running how I wanted it to, but I couldnt seem to get the shield animation to display.
Turns out, it was an incredibly easy fix. I had the wrong component checked off in the inspector. I had the sprite renderer set to false, and the shield always set to true. With a quick swap, it was pretty much fixed.
Other than that block, today was a pretty rewarding day. I was able to do almost all the framework challenges without any help, not counting google of course. But overall very satisfying feeling knowing you can get the programs code to work without much guidance.
The framework challenges I focused on today, were the shield, the ammo count, the ammo powerup, and the health powerup. As you can see in my picture above, I am out of ammo, but I have my little ammo buddy fallin through space.
My goals for tomorrow are to finish the framework and get started on the core programming. I would like to fine tune a few things in my program as well, such as add or re-add the explosion animation for my player and to fix the shield animations a touch. I think my challenges in the framework tomorrow will be a bit more difficult, but I am looking forward to see how I scale up to them.