Day 6–10/29/20

Dylan Murayama
3 min readOct 30, 2020


References, references, references… This is how my day started. As I mentioned previously, I felt incredibly overwhelmed by all the references required while setting up the UI for my game. So what did I do today? Well, I spent about 3 to 4 hours going over and reviewing references. I started off by looking at my game and unity script, and with a pencil and paper, I began to draw out and backward engineer the logic behind the entire process.

Original Game
Post Production Game

Now, I wasn’t planning on this taking 3 to 4 hours, I thought it would take me maybe 2 at the most, but, I made the grave mistake of telling someone that I would be able to watch their puppy today. Having watched the puppy before, I figured it wouldn’t be a big deal because the first time, it literally slept the whole time. But let me tell you… today was a completely different story. Anyways, long story short, the puppy wouldn’t leave me alone and pooped and peed all over my house and even my bed. As if I didn't already have my hands full trying to figure out how the hell references worked. Anyways that was my major blocker for the day, a puppy. Definitely will not be doing that again any time soon.

Puppy aside, I spent a very long time backward engineering the referencing logic used in our program. And even though it took me what seemed like an eternity, I feel much more comfortable referencing things, and no longer am a deer in the headlights, when I hear Jon say “You will need to create a reference handle here.”

After, my referencing lesson, I continued my progress on the Space Shooter. I was able to get the VFX completed as well as the Post Production section. The Post Production section brought me back to my days of messing around in Photoshop or at least resembled it as I had no idea what I was doing. At the same time, that’s part of the fun, experimenting, trying new things out, seeing what looks cool. Anyways, I spent way too long messing around with the post-processing functions. And as you can see in the pictures, I ended up fairly close to the original. I was trying to get the background to pop more but it kept oversaturating the thruster and explosions so I ended up going with something a lot closer to the original. I would definitely like to check more of the post-processing things out, as I am sure there are ways to go in and change each object individually.

Anyway, that is all for today. Here is a pic of Baylee, the cute but pain in the ass puppy.



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