Day 3–10/26/20
Where to start! A little bit of an overwhelming day but good nonetheless. I am still trying to get my brain wrapped around all of the little projects I worked on today. I was able to reach my goal of finishing the shooter, the enemy creation, and spawn management sections of the course today. I definitely can not say it has fully been engrained into me as I think it will take several more looks at it until I am fully comfortable with the logic and functions required to do all of these.
Definitely one of the more challenging things for me at the moment is making sense of all the new functions I have learned today. I am thinking that I should allocate a little more time on the C# survival guide to help get a better understanding of some of the functions.
One of the problems I kept running into today can be seen in the console script above. I kept getting a warning CS0649 which I could never seem to sort out but my program still functioned the way I wanted to, so I just continued on. Still not sure how to get rid of it, any tips are greatly welcomed.
I also got stumped for a bit when it came to figuring out the physics between my lasers and the enemy. I had apparently completely missed the steps to enable triggers on my enemy and laser prefabs as well as my player. This led to some very interesting interactions between the objects and left me incredibly dumbfounded as I watched my laser beams and enemies swirl off into the distance. I probably spent way too long scrambling through my code trying to find where I went wrong before Austin steered me in the right direction (Thanks Austin again!).
Overall, I can’t believe what I am doing 3 days into learning C# and Unity but I still would like to get a far better understanding of what exactly I am doing. That being said my goal for the week is to really work through the C# survival guide along with the current project. I feel like getting a grasp of the functions in the survival guide might be one of the most beneficial things I can do for myself at this moment.