Day 2–10/23/20
Day 2 of the Gamedevhq crash course and I already feel like I am 1000 times better than day one. It has been a very information-packed day for myself but I feel like I'm starting to get a decent grasp of some of the basic functions of Unity and the scripting.
I started the day off by going through the Git Repo Course, and I must say it is a very complex but interesting subject. As I went through the course, I couldn't help but conceptualize the importance of GitHub as I went through the material. I found it very interesting how seamless it makes coding for a team with the ability to pull from the repo, edit/commit, and then push your work back into the repo file for the rest of the team to see and utilize. One of my other favorite functions of using Github and version control is the ability to make branches, and more particularly a dev branch. As an avid gamer, I couldn't help but think, “Oh this must be how video game companies handle alpha and beta testing/changes before pushing it out to the main version of the game.” Whether this is right or wrong, this is kind of where my brain took me as I was learning about all the functions of the version control.
One problem I ran into while using the version control, was attempting to revert back to an earlier state of the program. As you can see in the photo below. I had been using the “git switch” function to change between branches and tried to use the same function to revert back to an earlier state but apparently, this does not work! After being dumbfounded for several minutes, I decided to try “git checkout” and to my surprise, it worked! So just something to keep in mind when trying to revert back to a previous state.
Movement Transformation
In the second half of my day, I started digging through the player script for the shooter pro program. I learned how to enable user input to move an object, or player in this case. Learned how to create boundaries so the player could not go off-screen, as well as to script the player to loop to the opposite side of the screen if they go past the boundaries.
Overall, very information-packed day, this upcoming week I would like to focus on finishing the shooter pro program and hopefully able to progress well through the next project! A little more practice with the transform.position function and I think I should have it down pretty well as it seems to be a pretty straightforward function so far. And as for Github it may take me a little longer to get down but I definitely see it’s importance in this entire process.