Day 13–11/10/20
Very fun day today, as we all got to share our work so far and see what others are doing on their program. It’s really cool to see everyone implementing different ideas and different codes. As for my project, I feel like I am getting extremely close to finishing up, but yet there is still a lot of work needed to be done.
Yesterday I was able to finish the Aggressive enemy, which is a feature that enables the enemy to boost forward if the player is within a certain distance. I completed the enemy pickups feature, which allows the enemy to detect if a power-up is in its line and will fire and destroy the power-up. The third feature I finished was the Enemy Avoid Shot, this is a cool feature that takes in the distance between the laser and the enemy, and if within a specified distance the enemy will move away from the laser. The last feature I began working on was the pickup collect, I don’t think this should take too long, and then I will have the Wave Manager, Homing Projectile, and Boss AI left to script out. So all-in-all doesn’t seem like a lot left but there is a reason I have put these three for last.
Also, had an awesome time tossing ideas with Ryan regarding the ways we did certain functions. Was very cool to see the different ways we were able to get similar outcomes. Ryan also taught me some awesome new functions, such as the move towards function. Made my enemy dodge feature much more fluid and refined.
But overall, it's awesome to see how good everyone’s games are starting to look and how each one is so unique which is also very cool to see.